Monday–Friday • Prayers For Intentions
St. James of the Marches Parish, Totowa; after 12:05 Mass. The Prayer Team Ministry accepts intentions and the Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are prayed. Submit a prayer intention at [email protected]
Mondays • Catholic In Recovery
Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish, in Varricchio Hall, Branchville; 6:30 p.m. 12-Step anonymous meeting for addictions of any kind, or those dealing with unhealthy attachments. Call Parish office: 973-948-3185.
Thursdays • Eucharistic and Rosary Holy Hour for Life
St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Stirling; 7:30 p.m.
2nd Sundays • St. Padre Pio Prayer Group
St. Peter the Apostle Parish, Parsippany, in the church; 2:30 p.m. Devotional prayer meeting group. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, benediction, and Divine Mercy chaplet.
2nd Wednesdays • Prayer Shawl Ministry
St. James of the Marches Parish, Totowa; 10 a.m. Projects include baby baptism blankets, hospice blankets & funeral blankets. Yarn is provided, as well as coffee and refreshments. Call 973-790-0288, or email: [email protected]
2nd Thursdays • Grief Support Group
The Compassionate Friends-Parsippany Chapter, St. Christopher Parish, at Denville Union Hill Presbyterian Church, Recreation Room; 7:30 p.m. For bereaved parents, siblings, and grandparents. For info, join on facebook: The Compassionate Friends Parsippany Chapter; call or email Lily: 973-568-4164, [email protected]
3rd Sundays • Corazon Puro
Prince of Peace Chapel, Haledon; 4–8 p.m. Talk, Holy Hour, Mass and fellowship directed by Fr. Agustino Torres, CFR, with the friars and Salesian sisters. Visit Instagram: corazonpuronj; Youtube: the Corazon Puro App. Contact Catalina, develpment coordinator: 973-777-8818 x282.
4th Fridays • Passaic Special Needs Support Group
St. Anthony Parish, at Parish Center, Passaic; 5–7 p.m. Lauren: [email protected] 2/11 St. Maximilian Kolbe Day Talk. St. John Kanty Parish, Clifton; following the 10 a.m. Polish Mass. Prof. Groth Lyon, State sity of N.Y. at Freedonia, will talk about the life of the priests in the concentration camps.
9/29 • Feast Day Celebration with Bishop Kevin J. Sweeney
St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Prayer Ministry of St. Therese, Mountain Lakes; 1:45 p.m. Bishop Sweeney celebrates two feast days with a presentation for St. Therese the Little Flower and St. Michael the Archangel. This event has no Mass. Contact Carol: 973-271-9252.
Book Bin Donations
St. Andrew Parish, Clifton; donation bin at back of parking lot. Books to be resold and proceeds given to the Church. Unusable books will be recycled properly. Barbara: 973-779-6873 x10.